Deloitte CRE Outlook: Top Ten Issues in 2013

November 8, 2012

Commercial Real Estate

The U.S. commercial real estate (CRE) recovery, although slow, has been visible in improved fundamentals, capital availability, asset pricing and transactions. REITs continue to outperform others, primarily due to higher liquidity and relatively easy access to capital markets. However, the CRE recovery appears to be unsteady, with increased “caution” given the nation’s stalled economic recovery, which is due, in part, to sovereign debt problems and economic stagnation in Europe as well as slowing growth in emerging markets such as China and India.  This report, the 14th in Deloitte’s series on critical issues affecting real estate, examines CRE market trends and developments, with a focus on potential solutions to help CRE players favorably position themselves in the medium-to-long term future.  read entire article…  Author:  Deloitte, Source:  Corporate Real Estate Group

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