diane-riveraDiane Rivera, CES®, Vice President, is located in IPX1031®’s South Florida office. Diane has over 19 years of 1031 industry experience. She has held the prestigious Certified Exchange Specialist (“CES®”) designation with the Federation of Exchange Accommodators since 2005, a professional designation earned by less than 300 exchange counselors in the country. Prior to joining IPX1031®, Diane successfully managed the completion of thousands of tax deferred exchanges along with business growth and development of a regional territory for a national 1031 company.

Diane expertly provides 1031 Exchange consultations and strategies to REALTORS®, accountants, financial planners, attorneys and investors. Her thorough understanding of all types of 1031 Exchanges from delayed and improvement exchanges, multi-asset, personal property to the most complex reverse and reverse improvement exchanges is an invaluable asset to her clients. Diane travels throughout Florida presenting to and consulting with real estate, financial, tax and legal professionals, and is an experienced provider of presentations, seminars and continuing education.

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